The bible according to St. Jon or Have you seen Jesus or George?

My new friend Jon,   (But I already have two Jon friends on my current rooster, hey, get off my frickin chicken.)  Anyway the new Jon is Jon L.   He invited me to his blog at:

There he discussed the lack of independent verification of jesus as an actual, not mythical, person.
Jon believes that there is none and I agree provisionally, holding out hope for the discovery of the 'Wandering Jew',  George.

I responded:       Hi, Jon, I recently read of the 'Wandering Jew" ( and perhaps he can help us here.  The claim is that the jew was present when jesus avowed that, "There shall be some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the son of man (ie, me) coming in his kingdom." This is what Matt says in 16:28 and he should know.  Apparently jesus lied or was just spoofing them for all those folks are dead.   Or are they?   This jew, George, now rather stiff and wrinkled, is still alive and wandering and still waiting for the return of jesus.   Can we get hold of him, George I mean, and get his opinion for your blog?

I have looked about for George under freeway ramps and in caves but every George I found thought I was crazy but invited me into their hut for a smoke but to be careful not to step on their invisible gods. Still I think this is a worthy search and will put the lie to the mormons and the islammies and those annoying non-believers.    Each day though adds to my suspicion that George had died a while ago of fulminating religious brain clutter disease, (FRBCD to you medical people).

So everyone look under your beds and give report.


Anonymous said...

As usual another piece of drivel from that half brain bill. I won't capitalize his name cause he doesn't cap mine even though he is a real person and I am imaginary.

Jeezie Chrispie, aka me, Jesus

Anonymous said...

Wow! That last post is good enough evidence for me of the reality of Jeezie. Hell, we don't need George; why all the fussing?

Anonymous said...

I invite all you doubters to view my autographed photo of Jesus which was presented to me by the republican party.

Anonymous said...

I have evidence, I got a beer in a frosty mug and there in the foam running down the side was the true cross and it had this guy slung on it telling me, "maybe you have had too much beer." Curious that he knew my name and spoke in my native lankwich, Enklich but evidence is evidence so can't we all jus be frens and go for some more good beer?


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