Fresh News!

Mar 05

Today's news is that the morons are at it again and pissed off the family of a dead jewish guy.  They, the morons, baptized a dead guy into moronism.  I hear the morons apologized but the report did not say what is the current religious condition of the cadaver.   (Of course I have written the real truth about this, see "Sore Afflicted and Grievous Chagrined" in Bill's Corner about my post-mortum-retro-un-bapt and prospective-pre-un-baptism).   But in this case the jewish guy was on his own as neither he nor his family has applied for my services.  Too bad there.

If he had been a jewish cadaver then baptized moron I think he is stuck as a moron now.   That does mean he can be god of his own planet if he wore the sacred temple underwear.  But of that we have no evidence.  The voodoo symbols on the underwear protect morons from harm so how did he get dead.  Hey, as a matter of factual record, how is it that sacred undies wearing morons end up in the morgue at all?   There is a fly in this ointment but I point no fingers.  It is a matter for the Better Business Bureau and the lawyers.


Anonymous said...

Oh, my, oh dearie me! What about me, I am a good catholic? What if I die and get uncatholiced by some moron. Will I go to hell or to Joe Smith's planet? It is all so upsetting. Should I stop drinking that cheap communion Mogen David wine at mass and get over to the moron side now or what?

Please help, Betsy, but I want to be anonymous

Bill van Druten said...

Simmer down, Betsy anonymous; if you kiss a priest before you croak you will still be whooshed up to catholic heaven as promised. But if you have some, shall we say, deeper relations with a priest you will be in the front row next to all the little boys who were nice to priests.

Ronald the anonymous altar boy now up here with the others sucking up to jesus.

Bill van Druten said...

Hey Bill, shouldn't you be more respectful of the religions as you were taught?

Bill van Druten said...

Yes, that is what I was taught. Then I learned that the religious are liars and false promisers. So I asked myself, Bill, (I can call myself Bill as I have known me a long time) do you respect that crap? And I said, well no, why should I. Those scam artists are banking money on the public's fear of their imaginary hell and devils. Is that honest? Is that decent or is it just a hangover from vatican baloney merchants? I thought it over and then over again and came to a concussion. NO, IT IS ALL IMAGINARY BULLSHIT.

Anonymous said...

That is their scam that they expect respect. Isn't that right Bill?

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