Hold it! Hold the presses on the last one! Not just the foreskin, but a substantial part of the larger organ was attached. Yes, it did belong to Jesus as earlier stated. We know that because of the 'Return Requested' label. But it now seems not to have been a circumcision. We experts think that a distant relative of Loraina Bobbitt was involved. Likely some kind of revenge for Jesus' messing around with Mary Magdallane.
On another matter: After my scholarly article on Adam and his Belly Button*, a reader asked if Adam had ever married Eve. WHAT A STUPIT QUESTION! Who the hell was available to do the ceremony? Oh, sure Satan could have but he was just in a gross laughing spasm over the entire show. The snake had caused enough trouble already. So the frisky pair were out of luck marriage-wise. Didn't bother them at all cause marriage and alimony hadn't been invented yet.
*see Compendium of Higher Criticism, Vol. 44, pgs 75 to 844. But skip the ads and girlie pictures for a change, you letch!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Religious Curiosities
Bill is right on that.
St. Thomas Aquarius
Hold on here! Wasn't it St. Thomas the Curious?
Lordy, Lordy, such dumbunnies!
When I were in Sunnay Skool we knew right from rong and up frum down but now these peeples dun turned it all sideyways.
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