I was asked if it would be a good idea or not  to “come out as an atheist” at Xmas time.   

If one realizes she/he does not believe  in the imaginings about any  gods,  he/she is “out”. What others think or believe  is their business as long as they do not attempt  to infect others including innocent  children.   

The nicest way to let people know your view is to wait until it religion comes up somehow and they say, “Well, I was taught that but I find it unbelievable and contrary to evidence.”   Let that sink in then explain as needed. 

Xmas is a particularly good time as ancient  and  bizarre  beliefs or rituals are bound to provide  opportunity.   Above all one must not be self conscious or apologetic  for a perfectly valid  and respectable  opinion.  We can instead be proud of our non-superstitious  thinking.  Our though process is the most prized aspect of our selves.  All else should be viewed  as the support system for our mentality.     Keep it pure as possible and let the chips fall where they may,  preferably into the trash can.


Bill van Druten said...

Well and truly written, Bill. I could hardly do better myself.


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