"I DECIDED TO BELIEVE" (based on a real incident)

Sometimes clergy persons appear to be rational, even friendly people.   I know such an one, a real lutheran pastor.  He was open to discussion so I asked him how he could believe in all the preposterous things he was obliged to believe.  He straight out told me that he couldn't see how those things might be true but he had decided to believe them.   WHAT??   Really, that is what he said!   I was stunned to hear it from a seemingly educated former friend.   I stopped, mouth agape, as my mind calculated that there was no more for me to say without calling him a gullible fool or a damn liar. 

The episode prompted me to formulate my doctrine of the INCONTINENTAL DIVIDE, that great chasm between Homo sapiens and Homo ignoramus.  The latter Homos suffer from CMS:  Constipatorial Mentation Syndrome.  They use the most amazing chemistry when they turn "I don't believe"  into "I wish I could believe"  then into "I decided to believe" and finally "I do believe". It all happens in their brains which make use of the straining, squeezing circuitry which normal folks use to void their bowels.  They enter a silly world of make believe and magical thinking.  That is why it is so immoral to teach religious thinking to trusting children.  

But they don't turn to their magic where it would do them some good.  When they want to go to Las Vegas for a liturgical conference, ha, ha, they get plane reservations.  Why not  "I want to grow wings and fly" or "I have decided to grow wings and fly".  That should work as well as "I decided to believe."


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