In our atheist/freethought writing and speech we frequently refer to 'God'.  Wouldn't we be wiser either to name a specific god as Thor, Allah, Poseidon, Jehovah or else use the phrase 'one of the gods' or better 'one of the purported gods.'   When we write 'God' with the capital 'G' it can suggest that we endorse the concept of god and of only one god.  In America and elsewhere 'God' presumes the biblical god.  Since we find no basis for god beliefs, we aught not give any special standing for any of them.  Depending on how blunt we want to be, we might refer to the islamic or the christian imagination of a god or the supposed god of the mormons or the catholic invention of god.  I often refer to the ancient gods as I feel it is well to remind believers that gods have come and gone in history and their god is only one of many temporary god superstitions.  (But I tend to be on the rough side of harsh.)

In my experience fear of hostile reaction from believers is exaggerated (though that may not be true in your area).  For years I had the name and logo of the Lake Superior Freethinkers on my auto along with my home phone number.  That led to no problems but rather to inquiries and several new members for out group.   (I did get the usual death threat when I was a plaintiff for ACLU and got the stone ten commandments hauled off City Hall lawn).   

I was surprised one warm day in Duluth stopping for a red light with all windows open.  A motorcycle pulled alongside with a rough looking, bandana-headed guy hunched over the handlebars.  He eyed the sign on my car and looked hard in my eyes and asked, 'You Doctor van Druten?'   I nodded.  He said, 'I read your letters to the editor and I agree with them all.  I want to thank you and let you know you are not alone.'   I gave him the thumbs up and a thank you back and we drove off.


Bill van Druten said...

I think Bill is a very astute person and has a writing style very much like my own.

Don van Druten said...

Now the motorcycle incident is an interesting one. Here in Californy, the same may happen, but upon answering ANY question, the rider will more likely pull a .45 and agree/disagree with you by blowing your nose for you. Off your face. ...............and likely too, you with it. Then conclude with “have a nice day”. So don’t stereotype motorists of any vehicular persuasion. Wearing a seat belt makes little or no difference. Well, yes it does. It gets the strap all yucky. In the event of a non smiley ending as in your motorcycle epoch, we will be reading instead the column: Bill’s Coroner.

oh god (risno!!!),
another van Druten

Bill van Druten said...

Pay no heed to my brother, Don, he is just as fatuous as I and yet he has a loyalty, to me his older wiser brother.

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