Well, hell, so they picked some other jerk to be pope in Rome. No matter there been several popes at one time before so...............The hell with them, I am setting up my own poppity here in the Neuvo Vaticano Minnesoto. So.. ALL HAIL AND AVE ME! HERE I AM IN LACY UNDIES WITH THE ROBES, THE CLOWN HAT AND PRISSY RED WITCH OF THE NORTHEAST SHOES AND HAVE THE FOLLOWING TO SAY TO ALL YOU, MY FLOCK: Ok, ok, folks all sit down now and cut the amens and ahems and them hosannahs too. I got plenty of those left over from the last poop so just stop it! Here beginneth the first lesson with fresh baloney, er, dogma from me, Bill The Oneth: Those ten crap commandments, they are out. Here are the 5 new rules: 1. No smoking in the papal state, Minnesota. 2. Send all your donations, tithes, bribes, alms and such to me direct, BILL THE ONTH, MY HOLINESS, at my new Vat 16 Bank. That is right the old mafia supported bank is sealed over with lava and unavailable for deposit. I will use your funds very carefully as I god damn wanna so just suck it up and deliver. And god DOES want me to be as filthy wealthy as possible. 3. I forget 3. 4 and 5. And likely there will be even more. They will occur to me soon so stand by for more deprivation as you are not donating enough. I take Visa and all your major card, cash, gold, silver even copper but NO STAMPS DAMN IT. Hey, you elected me din cha?
OH, I ever so much like our new local pope. Postage is cheaper. Tithes, donations. bribes about the same maybe a little more. So I say Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus!
A former cattle licker and now re-upping.
Yes, glorious to have our own foppery now.
Finally a decent looking poop. Ave Sanctum Williamus.
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