As I say, scratch a theologue…. Try it for yourself. I did. Take any clergyman except a mouth foaming fundamentalist; take one that can read. Ask your prelate what she or he really thinks about virgin birth, the resurrection, original sin, or any of that stuff. After the throat clearing, there will be glances to the right and glances to the left. Then there will be back paddling you won’t believe. You will hear, “Well, we don’t take that seriously of course”, or “Yes, that is mythology; we don’t believe it as actual truth.” That is fun, but I like the next part best. Now you say, “Sure, we agree on that, but why do you teach it to your Sunday school children as known fact?” Oh, Boy! Here is the fancy paddling. Tippy-Canoe and a Liar Too. Watch their boat go sideways as your fleeing clergy person mutters, “Yes, we must talk more about that some day.” It is marvelous to watch a canoe flip right around and head up river against your raging current. I believe it is a miracle because god must be helping out. And I really love their usage of the verb phrase, “to talk again someday”. I call it the future preposterous tense because it ain’t never gonna happen.


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