So recently about easter time I fretted over Jesus and how he suffered when they nailed him out to dry.  But hold on here,  he was a god so he had all the valium and ether he could use.  But then I forgot about it for a while.  But then I noticed that  they said  he was dead for three days then got up again smelling a bit off but moving about.   But then I wanted to believe because it is required for all us to believe it if we want to go avoid a rather long over heated Texas style eternity.    (Had enough 'Buts thens for a while?)   So I set my mind to the task of working out the details which were not provided.  

Jesus, god and the ghost are all the same guys that is for sure.  They are the three-in-one oil, the 10-30 weight oil of the god biz.  But, Aye, Here is the rub.  If Jesus was dead three days that means that god and the ghost were dead as well.   So who was on duty for the interim?
Could have been Mary, the BVM.  Could have been Thor or Baal.  I voted for Baal because he is easy to spell; one 'a', two 'a's, he doest care.  Then I discovered, by putting a rock in my hat and wandering about like Joseph Smith*, I discovered the lost book of SATAN.

*'What the hell was he, Joseph S. doing with a rock on his head', you ask.   Well, he was bonkers of course but that is the way he discovered the fucking golden tablets.  You remember now of course.  But that is told in a whole nother essay.  

Back not to SATAN!  Yes, sirey or mammary,  SATAN is a very son of god like Jesus.  They are brothers you see.   SATAN didn’t get into the Trilogy like Jesus and that soured him on their enterprise.   So to soothe him god gave SATAN permission to screw around with us.  Everything SATAN does carries the full FAITH and IMPRIMATURE of god.   God lets SATAN do as he likes for some reason we are not given.   I think it is because god has a his shadenfreude, his dark side.  He likes to watch misery and porno but avoids the guilt by having SATAN do it for god to watch.  Hey, I may have shined this up a bit but it is all in the BIG BOOK.    

So SATAN had his three days but was recalled out of there.  Still he likes to do evil for god’s prurient needs.  But don't feel sorry for SATAN, he will have his day again when the final trumpet sounds and army of geddon marches out.   Yes, it is in Leviticus or Eccleasticles or some where in THE BIG BOOK OF SNARKYNESS. 

It is ALL in BIG BOOK.   If you haven’t got one steal one from your next hotel room.   


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