A while back religious broadcaster Pat Robertson warned the city of Orlando that by allowing gay organizations to put up multicolored rainbow flags in support of sexual diversity, "It'll bring about terrorist bombs; it'll bring earthquakes, tornados and possibly a meteor."  Then he added,  "This is not a message of hate; this is a message of redemption."

Gosh, do you think he believes that sort of stuff?   I say when a grownup talks plain stupid, check him for a brain tumor.  Or it could be just old-fashioned superstitious ignorance.  He didn't actually give orders for a bombing but it is clear that he says god wants it to happen.  Would this make him a conspirator should someone carry out god's intention?

The part I liked best is where he threw in the meteor.  He says the other calamities will happen, but the meteor is put in as only a possibility.  A nice distinction.  After god has slaughtered the little children of Orlando with tornado, quake and bomb, Robertson may have god throw in the meteor for a sparkling finale.

But here is the most serious part of it all, the media report this as if it were normal talk rather than diseased mouth foaming!

But it could be a brain tumor.


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